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President - Adam Gigola

Vice President - Tony Raccio

Vice President/Football - Ron Lynch

Vice President/Cheerleading - Cebi Waterfield

Vice President/Facilities - Paul Butler

Secretary - Kristen Teshoney

Treasurer - Andy Teshoney

Assistant Treasurer - Tom McCarthy

Assistant Treasurer - Holly Stemphowski

Football Commissioner - Rick Merritt

Assistant Cheerleading Coordinator - Suzan Beirne

Cheerleading Commissioner - Kelly Last

Flag Football Commissioner - Greg Smith  

Football Equipment Manager - 

Assistant FB Equipment Manager - 

Assistant FB Equipment Manager - 

Cheer Equipment Manager - Meghan Waterfield

Fundraising Co-Coordinator - Danielle Marcella

Fundraising Co-Coordinator - Katie Borer

Game Day Volunteer Coordinator - Jaime Seneca

League Registrar - Yolanda Spell

Assistant League Registrar - Ashley Crawford 

Medical Coordinator - Greg Smith

Scholastic Coordinator - Kathe Last

Concession Coordinator - Kristen Teshoney 

Assistant  Concession Coordinator - Bridgette Hoskie

Assistant Concession Coordinator - Annie Langston

Social Media Coordinator - Meghan Waterfield








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