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Fundraising with the West Haven Seahawks

Upcoming Can Shakes!

Date:       TBA Soon!





Ziti Dinner Fundraiser

Date:        Sunday October 19t, 2014

Time:       TBA

Where:    Masonic Lodge, Center Street, West Haven


Come join your Seahawks family for a delicious Ziti Dinner !!  More information to follow soon!  Keep watching for updates!

Five Below Fundraiser 

Date:        AUGUST 2, 2014 THROUGH SEPTEMBER 8, 2014

Time:       SUN 10AM-6PM  MON-SAT 10AM-9PM

Where:    1397 BOSTON POST ROAD MILFORD, CT (203) 874-0736 (WALMART PLAZA)


FIVE BELOW carries school supplies, software, books, electronics, sporting goods, games, t-shirts, jewelry, bath and body, candy, snacks and beverages, room décor, storage, plus much more.  And everything is priced at $5 or less!  JUST IN: BACK TO SCHOOL AND SUMMER ITEMS!!!


10% of the dollars spent by your organization will be donated back to West Haven SeaHawks!


Don’t forget to bring the flyer to the left with you  to the event and hand it to the cashier so that credit is given for your purchase! Please note that the store dose not allow flyers to be handed out in the store or shopping center but feel free to distribute to your friends and family!

Ralph J Salvatore Bowl-O-Rama


Time: 7pm to 11pm

Where: Woodlawn Duckpins, Woodlawn Shopping Ctr., 240 platt Ave, West Haven, CT


$25.00 per person, Adults Only

Beer, Wine, Snacks, Raffles!


All proceeds will go to the RTMFL League and RJS III Scholarship Fund.


You do not want to miss this!



Time: 7pm

Where: Veteran's Field 91 Bull Hill Lane, West Haven CT


The West Haven Seahawk Family will be hosting a family movie night on our very own home field!

We will be watching Little Giants, the movie. 

$10 a family



Come out, support & enjoy a great night of popcorn and family fun!

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